I had some time recently to play with a new idea. Since I have been spending more (though hardly enough) time on keys and guitar, I wanted to compose a piece comprised of these elements.
Read moreEchoes of Light

All the other stuff I feel like writing down, for whatever reason… basic randomness and ideas and such.
I had some time recently to play with a new idea. Since I have been spending more (though hardly enough) time on keys and guitar, I wanted to compose a piece comprised of these elements.
Read moreThe Enemy ©2023 Fast, Heavy, Loud. Back to the roots of ROCK! All instruments* and vocals recorded and produced in Garage Band (*Dynamic drummer, arranged and composed for the song). Kramer guitars, Fender DSP amp.
Read moreHad some time (not really – a bunch of late nights and holiday time off 😉 recently to experiment, and this is what came from it. Art. Subjective. Enjoy. Written and composed by Yours Truly.
Read more“And So It Goes” was originally titled August, but it derived from an idea I had that I wanted to call the “Delta (Variant) Blues”. That idea only made it so far, but this was
Read more333. That’s it. This is a composition made up entirely of digital samples, including vocals by the name of ‘Andre’. I like to imagine (and by imagine, I mean actually executing) an arrangement of amazing
Read moreThis track is an exploration into rap/hip-hop, with other elements mixed in to add to the surreal nature of the environment – in the music and “real” life. It’s a “Hostile” mix because it is
Read moreAnother 2020 C19 quarantine ditty… or something. All original composition, ©2020
Read moreSome more experimental music, using excerpts from an Alan Watts lecture on the philosophy of Wu Wei (The Art/Principle of Not Forcing). “We are airy nothings.” – Alan Watts Original music, composed using GarageBand, “dynamic’
Read moreSomething strange for a strange time in history. My daughters voice and thoughts are key to this story. When the germs are gone. May 4 2020 (May the 4th Be with you)
Read moreA new venture I am embarking upon! eBooks, audio, and personal development programs! If you have a few minutes and would like to browse the selection, head on over… =>> Now Age Books Also, I
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